Sudbury Horticultural Shows

The Sudbury Horticultural Society hosts several Horticultural Shows annually with themes changing with the seasons. Adults, youth, and children bring their creativity and enthusiasm for floral design, vegetables and fruit, photography, wreaths and evergreen arrangements, textile art, pumpkin carving, and much more! Ribbons are presented by our panel of judges at the conclusion of each show along with an annual awards ceremony.
Annual Horticultural Shows
The Sudbury Horticultural Society hosts the following Horticultural Shows annually:
- Flower and Vegetable Show (August)
- Pumpkin Fest (October)
- Christmas Show (December)
Rules of Competition
View the rules of competition for all Sudbury Horticultural Shows.
View our collection of photos from past Sudbury Horticultural Shows.
Contact Us
If you wish to contact the Society about the Sudbury Horticultural Shows, or for all other inquiries, please email