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Sudbury Horticultural Society Memberships

Black Eyed Susans
  • About Your Membership

Sudbury Horticultural Society memberships are valid for one year from the date of purchase.

Please note that there are several ways to purchase your membership:

  • Cash or Cheque: at Society meetings or events
  • Cheques: made out to the “Sudbury Horticultural Society” and mailed to the Society c/o Linda Hugli, 400 Second Avenue North, Suite 602, Sudbury, ON P3B 0H1.
  • Credit Card: online through this website by clicking the link above, adding the item to cart, filling in the form so we have your contact information, and selecting “PayPal” to send payment.
  • E-transfer: online through this website by clicking the link above, adding the item to cart, filling in the form so we have your contact information, and selecting the e-transfer option. You must complete our online form before sending your e-transfer payment so we can add you to our membership list and provide you with the monthly newsletter. 

Your membership supports:

  • Monthly programs
  • Planning of special gardens
  • City beautification local projects
  • Prizes and awards
  • Rental of tables and facilities for meetings and shows
  • Supplies and general expenses
  • Purchase of plants
  • Ontario Horticultural Association District 13 Fees
  • Ontario Horticultural Association Fees

Membership benefits:

  • Camaraderie with fellow gardeners
  • Free presentations by inspirational gardening speakers
  • Free refreshments and fellowship at monthly Society meetings
  • Free gardening advice from experienced gardeners
  • Receive 10 editions of “Gardening on the Rocks” throughout the year
  • Receive a 10% discount on regular-priced plants at Azilda Greenhouses
  • Receive a 10% discount at Jetty’s Landscape Supplies and Contracting
  • Opportunities to work at beautifying our community
  • Opportunities to participate in meaningful volunteer opportunities

Please contact our Membership Coordinator if you have any questions:

Our society is part of the Ontario Horticultural Association District 13, which includes fourteen societies covering the geographical area from Sault Ste. Marie to French River.

Through your local society, you are a member of the parent organization, the Ontario Horticultural Association, which is comprised of more than 270 local societies. The OHA arranges an annual three day convention, conducts province-wide competitions, and provides scholarships to students at the University of Guelph.

Purchase Your Membership Online

If you wish to purchase your SHS membership via credit card or e-transfer, click the links below to purchase your membership online through our website: